
School of MedicineTerm of Study: 6 yearsDegree Granted: Doctor of MedicineAdmission Capacity per Year: 110The School of Medicine aims to build the foundation for medical professionalism through providing quality education and training. Students work hard to acquire the latest knowledge and skills required in the eld of medicine and medical sciences over the six-year curriculum. Throughout their studies, we help students develop respect for life and dignity, and compassion for patients. Our education focuses on developing problem-solving skills and participating in experiential learning (work at welfare facilities, nursing practicum, ambulance experience, and clinical clerkship as student doctors). These activities are designed to prepare students for clinical medicine. Students have an excellent study environment and facilities, which include a Student Doctor Learning Commons (open 24 hours for 6th-year students), Clinical Simulation Center, and Anatomy Center. ● Anatomy I● Anatomy II● Physiology I● Physiology II● Biochemistry I● Biochemistry II● Pharmacology● Pathology I● Pathology II● Microbiology● Immunology● Medical Zoology● Pathology and Laboratory Medicine● Social and Environmental Medicine● Epidemiology and Public Health● Legal Medicine● Medical EducationDiploma PolicyIn order to graduate, students are expected to have attained the following abilities and attitudes, and to have completed the required academic courses.I. Patient-centered Medical Care and Communication, and Team-based Medical CareII. Medical Knowledge and Skills III. Sense of Humanity and High Ethical StandardsIV. Autonomous Lifelong Learning AbilityV. Contribution to Community Medicine and SocietyVI. Scientic Attitude and Spirit of Inquiry Basic Medical Science Departments33

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