Career of Kohzaburo@@

1947 birth

1953 Tsuzi kindergarten (private)

1954 Tsuzi elementary school of Shimizu city

1960 The first junior high school of Shimizu city

1963 Shimizu-higashi high school of Shizuoka prefecture

1966 Hokkaido Univ. (Science group)

1968 Hokkaido Univ., school of science, department of 2nd chemistry

1970 Hokkaido Univ. graduate school, master's course of chemistry (Institute of applied electricity, div. of chemistry)

1972 Hokkaido Univ. graduate school, doctor's course of chemistry (Institute of applied electricity, div. of chemistry)

1977 degree of Ph. D., marriage and Riko Trading Co. (academic div.)

1980 Kanazawa Medical University, assistant (Central Laboratory)

1985 Kanazawa Medical University, lecturer (Central Laboratory)

1989 Kanazawa Medical University, associate professor (Res. Inst. of Med. Sci., division of Basic Science)

1996 Kanazawa Medical University, professor (Res. Inst. of Med. Sci., division of Basic Science)

2003 Kanazawa Medical University, graduate school, professor (Res. Inst. of Med. Sci., division of Cell Medicine)

2013 Kanazawa Medical University, emeritus professor (Res. Inst. of Med. Sci.).


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