Clinical features

Itai-itai disease is considered to be a type of acquired Fanconi Syndrome characterized by renal tubular dysfunction and osteomalacia and has been found among middle aged and elderly women with relatively frequent pregnancy, living in the cadmium polluted area for more than 30 years.

A markedly increased excretion of urinary molecular weight proteins such as (2-microglobulin, glucose, protein and amino acids is found in itai-itai disease patients, and these findings are indices of renal tubular dysfunction. Low level of %TRP and metabolic acidosis with high serum Cl are also found. In severe cases increased serum creatinine that shows impairment of renal glomerular function is recognized.

Pathologically, renal damage of itai-itai disease is characterized by atrophic kidney as shown in Fig.3. The weight of the kidney is usually decreased to around 60g, and to 30g's in cases with non-specific inflammation or atherosclerotic change. Microscopically, tubulopathy is found as shown in Fig.4.

Fig.3@Atrophic kidney of itai-itai disease (macroscopic findings).

Fig.4@Microscopic renal findings of itai-itai disease.

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