Abstract Submission Guidelines |
- Abstract submission starts on November 1st, 2013 and the deadline for submission is
May 31st, now extended to June 13, 2014!
- The first authors will be informed of acceptance of their abstracts by
the end of June 2014.
- Applicants for Travel Grants from outside of Japan will receive the notice
of awards by the end of July 2014.
- Abstracts for papers and posters (Max. 400 words) should contain:
- Title (up to 30 words)
- Authors
- Affiliations of Authors
- Category of Topics*
- Contents of abstract should include: Objective/Purpose, Materials/Patients,
Methods, Results, and Conclusions.
- Abstracts from invited speakers shall be in free-style.
- Presentation types (please select either A or B)
- A) Platform presentation ; 15-min talk (tentative)
B) Poster presentation ; Discussion is to be conducted near the poster
board (tentative)
*Category of Topics
Preservative studies, Animal studies, ERG & Retinal studies, Vitreous
related studies, Lens opacity studies, Cell biology studies, Anti-glaucoma
medicines, Clinical case reports, Photo toxicity, Risks by CL, Epidemiology
studies, Research tools and Others.
Please register for the meeting at the time of abstract submission.
Abstract form can be downloaded by clicking the red button on the right.
Send your Abstract form to Secretariat by E-mail (isot13hs@kanazawa-med.ac.jp).
Confirmation of receipt will be sent to the first author.
Abstract form sent by fax is not accepted. |
Abstract submission is CLOSED. |
Department of Ophthalmology, Kanazawa Medical University
Phone number: +81 76-286-2211 (ext. 3415)
FAX: +81 76-286-1010
E-mail: isot13hs@kanazawa-med.ac.jp |
Copyright(C): ISOT2014 All Rights Reserved. |