General Information |
13th Congress of the International Society of Ocular Toxicology
ISOT 2014
Entering an era of novel research in ocular toxicology
Time |
October 9 (Thursday) – October 12 (Sunday), 2014 |
Venue |
Kanazawa Bunka Hall
15-1 Takaoka-machi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-0864, JAPAN
Home Page: http://www.bunka-h.gr.jp/ (in Japanese)

Organizer |
International Society of Ocular Toxicology HP |
President |
Prof. Hiroshi Sasaki, M.D., Ph.D.
Director, Dept. of Ophthalmology, Kanazawa Medical University (KMU) / Japan |
Vice President |
PD Dr. rer. nat. Alfred Wegener
Department of Ophthalmology, Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University /
Germany |
Local Committee members |
Dr. Ying-Bo Shui (Washington Univ, St Louis)
Prof. Eri Kubo (Dept. of Ophthalmology, KMU)
Prof. Masami Kojima (School of Nursing, KMU)
Assoc. Prof. Masamichi Fukuda (Dept. of Ophthalmology, KMU)
Prof. Kazuyuki Sasaki (Prof. Emeritus, KMU) |
Official Language |
English |
Secretariat |
Department of Ophthalmology, Kanazawa Medical University
1-1 Daigaku, Uchinada, Kahoku, Ishikawa 920-0293, JAPAN
Phone number: +81 76-286-2211 (ext. 3415) FAX: +81 76-286-1010
E-mail: isot13hs@kanazawa-med.ac.jp
URL: http://www.kanazawa-med.ac.jp/~ophthal/ |
Department of Ophthalmology, Kanazawa Medical University
Phone number: +81 76-286-2211 (ext. 3415)
FAX: +81 76-286-1010
E-mail: isot13hs@kanazawa-med.ac.jp |
Copyright(C): ISOT2014 All Rights Reserved. |